

宝洁公司 & 赌博的认证林务员分享见解

Sustainable practices are a top priority for the paper industry. From the fibers and water used to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the ways the industry puts responsibility first is through how we manufacture tissue products like paper towels and toilet paper.

We dove into how the industry is embracing sustainable production and got an insight into how one company, 宝洁公司 & 甘布尔走近它.


In the industry, toilet paper and paper towels are made using:

AF&巴勒斯坦权力机构成员 adhere to sustainable fiber procurement principles. Procurement is how our members get the wood they need to make the products people rely on.

2020年,AF&巴勒斯坦权力机构成员 采购99.占木材纤维总量的2% 那是用来制造产品的 通过认证的纤维采购计划.

再生纸 and wood pulp help 组织制造商 deliver different attributes depending on customer preferences such as:

  • Ultra-softness
  • 吸光率
  • 强度
  • 回收的内容
  • 预算

照片:宝洁公司 & 赌博

克里斯·里夫斯,宝洁公司董事和认证护林员 & 赌博(P&G), explained how wood pulp is turned into facial tissues, toilet paper or paper towels.

“The fibers are mixed with water and that mixture is then poured onto a belt to form a sheet,他说. “一旦干, 这张纸被卷成一大卷, which is then converted into the smaller rolls you are familiar with.”

How Are 组织 Products Like Toilet 纸 and 纸 Towels Sustainable?

纸巾产品由可再生资源制成. 用于制造这些产品的纤维来自 managed, working 森林 where trees are replanted on a continuous cycle.

Sustainable forest management is critical for the future of our nation’s 森林. 健康、受管理的森林 support biodiversity while protecting forestland from disease, 虫害, 外来入侵物种, 和野火.


“P&G only sources our wood pulp from responsibly managed 森林 that are 100% third-party certified and require reforestation after harvesting. 电子竞技赌注的软件的家庭护理产品 比如卫生纸在美国,每消耗一棵树,就再生两棵树里夫斯解释道. “电子竞技赌注的软件致力于尊重 原住民 保护生物多样性.”

P&G also goes beyond its supply chain by partnering with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant 1 million trees between 2020 and 2025. “This helps fund forest replenishment in areas devastated by natural disasters like wildfires,他说.

一些房颤&巴勒斯坦权力机构成员 also use recycled paper to make toilet paper and paper towels. 事实上, 近90%的U.S. 组织制造商 使用再生纸制作新产品. P的方式&G uses recycled fibers is in the paper cores their products are wrapped around.


十大菠菜软件成员从工作的森林中采购树木, the majority of which are privately owned and have been around for generations. 负责任的管理至关重要 为森林的健康和未来干杯.

地主, 林业工作者, 工程师, 科学家们, 生物学家, harvest managers and more work together to maintain these 森林 through long-term planning. 这包括计划收成和 种植幼苗继续这个循环.

Reeves, a certified forester, explained how 林业工作者 approach forest management with science.

“工作的森林是在一个深思熟虑的管理, 模仿自然并建立弹性的科学方法,” 里夫斯说. “Foresters use management tactics that help maximize the trees’ ability to store carbon, 并减少野火和虫子侵扰的风险.”


作为成员资格的条件, AF&巴勒斯坦权力机构成员 are committed to sustainable forest management and sourcing wood from responsibly managed 森林.

2020年,十大菠菜软件成员购买了99个.占木材纤维总量的2% from 森林 那是用来制造产品的 通过认证的纤维采购计划.

推进更具弹性的U.S. 森林

十大菠菜软件有一个新的 2030年可持续发展目标 推进更具弹性的美国经济.S. 森林. 这是电子竞技赌注的软件的一部分 更好的实践,2030年更美好的地球: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future 倡议. 电子竞技赌注的软件通过:

  • Supporting conservation and restoration programs and 倡议s
  • Engaging in partnerships and investing in research, outreach and education
  • 促进可持续森林管理做法
  • Committing to increased supply chain transparency regarding responsible sourcing.



“在P&G, we are continually increasing acres of working 森林 that are certified by third-party organizations such as the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC).

We do this by working directly with suppliers and their supply chain to get small landowners certified, 通过FSC认证的赞助团体证书, and participating in coalitions and programs that spread awareness and reduce the barriers to certification,里夫斯说.

作为 更好的实践,2030年更美好的地球, AF&巴勒斯坦权力机构成员 will continue their commitment to procure wood fiber through certified sourcing.


美国森林 & 造纸协会&PA)有助于推动美国的发展.S. paper and wood products manufacturers through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. 林产品工业本质上是循环的. 十大菠菜软件 member companies make essential products from renewable and recyclable resources, generate renewable bioenergy and are committed to continuous improvement through the industry’s sustainability 倡议 —更好的实践,2030年更美好的地球: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future. The forest products industry accounts for approximately 5% of the total U.S. 制造业占国内生产总值, manufactures about $350 billion in products annually and employs about 925,000人. The industry meets a payroll of about $65 billion annually and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 43 states. 访问房颤&私人助理网上网址: wolaipei.com 或者在推特上关注电子竞技赌注的软件 @Forestand纸